Below is a list of our clients. For details and references, please contact us
Services Offered |
Period |
Organization |
Baseline Survey “Enhancing the Livelihood of the Refugees and the Host Community”, with a focus on households’ income and assets; Food Security and Nutrition; Environment; Women Empowerment, Peace building and WASH, Palabek Refugee settlement Lamwo District, Northern Uganda |
DON BOSCO-Uganda |
Progressive Gender Analysis “Explore the Gender relations from the period after December 2016 to 2018, identify needs of survivors of violence, protection gaps mapping in South Sudan. Cross-border study “livelihoods and protection needs of women and girls .violence and deprivation” on the migratory route across official and unofficial border crossings points (Juba Torit, Nimule, Ikotos, Lafon and Kajokej | March-April 2018 | CARE International, South Sudan,3rd Floor, Martyrs Street, Juba, South Suda www.care.org |
Baseline Survey on Socio-Economic livelihoods of Youth and Women; Causes of Early Marriage in Kochgoma Sub-county, Nwoya District | September-October 2016 | Charity for Rural Development(CHAFORD) Amuru/Nwoya District |
Organizational capacity building of Action Aid International Zimbabwe partners (Simukai Child Protection Programme-Mutare) through staff capacity needs assessment, capacity development plans, staff ,local government and Community structures ,training on Social Accountability, community scorecards development, developing M&E systems for improved service delivery in Manicaland province, Zimbabwe. | 2015 Nov-2016 July | ActionAid International, Zimbabwe Website: http://www.simukaicpp.org.zw |
FAL project Midterm Evaluation in Nwoya District(Anaka,Alero and KochGoma Sub county | Oct-Nov 2015 | Charity for Rural Development( CHAFORD), Amuru/Nwoya District |
GBV /Life Skills Trainer’s Consultant, developed GBV &Life skills training guides and trained 450 GBV frontline responders on Prevention and Response, Established the referral pathways for Eastern Equatoria and lake States(Rumbek,Cuiebet) | Oct 2014 – Dec 2014 July | Health link South Sudan, Munuki Block C, plot 441 Juba, South Sudan Website: www.healthlinksouthsudan.org |
Capacity building to community based trainers in Amuru District on Democracy, good governance and GBV for improved livelihood in the four thematic areas of access to justice, rule of law, food security, sustainable livelihood and HIV/AIDs | Dec,2014 | CARITAS Gulu Arch Diocese, Northern Uganda |
Farmers Field school’s institutional capacity building. FAL Training need assessment, Training of FAL instructors &Developing training guide | April 2014 | Charity for Rural Development(CHARFORD), Amuru/Nwoya District |
We believe that solving the contemporary development challenges requires new innovative strategies, acting and working in partnership with our clients. We work with our esteemed partners to better understand their organizational needs, current programmatic activities, and develop tailor made internal and external strategies for organizational capacity development through an effective and efficient in-house team management and staff capacity building to bring about timely and effective change.
Our team is made up of innovative, highly qualified, and dynamic professionals who are reliable with good understanding of the local conditions in Uganda and Africa at large. We use practical field enriched approaches to design and implement training programs and services tailored to the organizational needs. Bringing value to your business through cost effective practices that can be implemented and sustained internally by your te
We offer consultancy services in;
- Project Evaluation, Needs Assessment, baseline surveys and social research
- Project proposal Development
- Strategic Plan Development
- Organization capacity Development
- GBV and Child Protection
- Adolescent SRH & life skills development
- Entrepreneurial &Business skills Development
- Functional Adult Literacy Skills Development
- Fundraising & Resource Mobilization
- Governance &Social Accountability
- Adolescents Conflict Disaster Risk Management
- Peace building and Conflict resolutions
P.O. Box 454, Gulu City
Mobile +256-702-499-780