+256-755-485-195 amor@amorconnectconsult.com



Mr. Geoffrey Omule -Managing Director and Principal consultant, Amor connect consult.
(MA MDS, PGD PPM, BDVS, Cert. M&E, Child Protection &GBV)

Geoffrey is an experienced development worker who has extensively worked with International and National Humanitarian Organizations for over 15 years in conflict and post conflict recoveries holding various portfolios as a manager, Team Leader and a consultant providing oversight roles to multiple projects ranging from Protection, peace building, Livelihood, Community health, Education, Adult and Financial literacy, Governance and Social accountability in  countries including Uganda, South Sudan and Zimbabwe.

Over the years, provided consultancies services both locally and internationally  that included baseline surveys, endline evaluations, needs assessments, social research ,trainings to reputable Organizations like  Don Bosco Uganda(Baseline surveys) ,Care International South Sudan(Progressive Gender analysis and cross border study), capacity building to Action Aid International Zimbabwe partners on Social Accountability, governance and Child rights promotion, strengthening community structures for increased interaction between duty bearers a Citizens for improved service delivery. Capacity building trainings to frontline responders of Gender Based Violence and life skills with health Link, a National organization operating in South Sudan, Don Bosco-Uganda among a few. He is knowledgeable and experienced in capacity building f  Individuals, civil society and local government under different socio-cultural background in applying practical field rich participatory methodologies


Mr. Emor Denis- Associate Research and data analysis Consultant,
(MA Management Studies, PGD M&E, PGD Public Admin &Management, BA Arts).

Denis has over Nine (9) year’s hand on experience in designing, planning, and implementing monitoring and evaluation systems of large scale development and emergency intervention including high Impact programs on Protection, youth economic empowerment, Education, Water Sanitation and Hygiene, HIV/AIDS, Public health, and Return monitoring/Camp management in Uganda, South Sudan and Somalia.

He clearly understands challenges of monitoring and evaluation in conflict and post conflict environment with limited resource and numerous systems gaps, Strong hands-on experience in capacity building and supporting lower local government, ministry of health, education, Gender and labour in Uganda South Sudan and Somalia to improve M&E strategies through active participation in various Technical working groups.

Knowledgeable in Real time data/Mobil phone data collection and Geographical information system (GiS), Community led Total Sanitation (CLTS), Sub grant Monitoring and Management, Design Monitoring and Evaluation (DME), Inter-agency child protection database for return and reintegration, Child-to-Child Methodological Training in Hygiene Promotion, and Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation.


Mr.PAIDEMOYO BINDURA, Research and Capacity building consultant,
( M.A Peace, Leadership and Conflict Resolution, and BSc in Peace and Conflict Studies)

Bindura has extensively worked in Southern African countries including Zimbabwe and South Africa managing multiple projects and grants from USAID Pact, European Commission, Caritas Denmark, Misereor and German Development Fund.

Supported organisation capacity building in Developing Effective Monitoring and Evaluation Systems, developing fundraising strategy and capacity building on governance, Accountability and youth leadership.

Conducted a number of Research & Publication on Women & Children in Distress, and Social Service Delivery programs that included;The Nature of Health Care Services Delivery in Local Clinics, Zimbabwe, Manicaland Province among the few.


Mr.Otto Daniel Ben-Human Resource& Organization Capacity Dev’t consultant,

Ben is a committed male Ugandan holding with hands-on progressive experience working for International and National Humanitarian Organizations in emergency, conflict and post conflict situations as Data, Monitoring and Evaluation manager in Uganda for over 9 years including Zanzibar with an in-depth knowledge in designing M&E systems, Database design and management, data collection, entry and analysis; GIS/GPS mapping, training, report writing, presentation and project documentation with excellent computer knowledge in Microsoft applications, SPSS, Epi data and STATA database management.

Ms. Dorophine Aciro– Associate Training Consultant,
(B.A.Leadership and Dev’t, Dip. DVS and Dip.SWASA)

Dorophine is a committed and experienced person in providing capacity building training gained over 10 years with international humanitarian organizations in Uganda in the areas of psychosocial support, capacity building in income generations, Life Skills, groups leadership and maternal nutrition, child protection, gender and domestic violence and peace building. She is an expert with vast experience as a Trainer in applying participatory Training methodologies suitable to any groups. She is an Effective facilitator with all age groups and capabilities, including the women, youth, children, the aged and disabled.


We believe that solving the contemporary development challenges requires new innovative strategies, acting and working in partnership with our clients. We work with our esteemed partners to better understand their organizational needs, current programmatic activities, and develop tailor made internal and external strategies for organizational capacity development through an effective and efficient in-house team management and staff capacity building to bring about timely and effective change.


Our team is made up of innovative, highly qualified, and dynamic professionals who are reliable with good understanding of the local conditions in Uganda and Africa at large. We use practical field enriched approaches to design and implement training programs and services tailored to the organizational needs. Bringing value to your business through cost effective  practices that can be implemented and sustained internally by your te


We offer consultancy services in;

  • Project Evaluation, Needs Assessment, baseline surveys and social research
  • Project proposal Development
  • Strategic Plan Development
  • Organization capacity Development
  • GBV and Child Protection
  • Adolescent SRH  & life skills development
  • Entrepreneurial &Business skills Development
  • Functional Adult Literacy Skills Development
  • Fundraising & Resource Mobilization
  • Governance &Social Accountability
  • Adolescents Conflict Disaster Risk Management
  • Peace building and Conflict resolutions

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